This is SO important. So many women don't have the financial literacy they need to thrive. There is a wonderful nonprofit called savvy ladies that helps women learn and address specific financial questions for free. I've used it a number of times and it's been so useful! I didn't grow up with any exposure to money management- it was all survival and so I've lived seat of my pants not realizing how stressful that is and how I am shortchanging myself on my own dreams and goals. Thank you Patricia - you have such an intelligent, even handed and empowering voice.
everything that has to be paid is paid; we’ll worry about the rest tomorrow type mentality.
not that i want to air all my dirty laundry straight away but can we please address class more ?
thank you melissa for the above savvy share !
i also had limited exposure other than what i would call a controlled childhood with a penny pinching father and secretly spending mother — so needless to say very mixed messages.
fast forward to raising my two children solo in nyc - somehow we’re still alive and they are in incredible colleges but i have nothing left in retirement.. very day to day, month to month, anxiety ridden existence.
i am queen survival with a cape made of grit and hustle but i do not want my babes to repeat my patterns !! and ultimately i want that metric portfolio of retirement/ bucket lists/ elder care.
Thank you so much for your message and candor - more of this in the world please! We all carry so much with us and not being able to speak without shame makes things worse. Yes let’s keep talking about this. I am contacting experts that can help us navigate these issues. The good news is that you are aware of your patterns and that you hinted about where some of it comes from - how we are raised has a huge impact on our relationship with money, and the environment we are in - specifically how we deal with class and our status in the world, can compound the problem. Working on guests to be interviewed for our newsletter and also my upcoming podcast. Let’s keep talking!
This is SO important. So many women don't have the financial literacy they need to thrive. There is a wonderful nonprofit called savvy ladies that helps women learn and address specific financial questions for free. I've used it a number of times and it's been so useful! I didn't grow up with any exposure to money management- it was all survival and so I've lived seat of my pants not realizing how stressful that is and how I am shortchanging myself on my own dreams and goals. Thank you Patricia - you have such an intelligent, even handed and empowering voice.
Hi Melisa, thank you for this. I will save Savvy Laides as a resource for all of us, and will share. Let's keep talking about this!!
i am a self admitted financial disaster.
everything that has to be paid is paid; we’ll worry about the rest tomorrow type mentality.
not that i want to air all my dirty laundry straight away but can we please address class more ?
thank you melissa for the above savvy share !
i also had limited exposure other than what i would call a controlled childhood with a penny pinching father and secretly spending mother — so needless to say very mixed messages.
fast forward to raising my two children solo in nyc - somehow we’re still alive and they are in incredible colleges but i have nothing left in retirement.. very day to day, month to month, anxiety ridden existence.
i am queen survival with a cape made of grit and hustle but i do not want my babes to repeat my patterns !! and ultimately i want that metric portfolio of retirement/ bucket lists/ elder care.
let’s talk !
sincerely, elle
Thank you so much for your message and candor - more of this in the world please! We all carry so much with us and not being able to speak without shame makes things worse. Yes let’s keep talking about this. I am contacting experts that can help us navigate these issues. The good news is that you are aware of your patterns and that you hinted about where some of it comes from - how we are raised has a huge impact on our relationship with money, and the environment we are in - specifically how we deal with class and our status in the world, can compound the problem. Working on guests to be interviewed for our newsletter and also my upcoming podcast. Let’s keep talking!