Breaking News: Life is a Monopoly Game and Men are Winning
Welcome to the real-life Monopoly game where men have been reigning champions for centuries, mastering a system tailor-made for them. But wait, here come the women, crashing the party to hack the system and play a game that has always been rigged to defeat them.
And Happy Women's Month to you too! 😊 So, what's the solution? Definitely not a female version of Monopoly where the oppressor just switches gender, but maybe a new game altogether where women aren't just players, but co-creators of the rules.
Am I being too optimistic? Maybe. I just know that trying to beat the system with fluffy feminism and empty slogans isn't cutting it anymore. The era of the girl boss is over (thankfully), and I now get a mild allergic reaction when I hear the word "empowerment". Though I know it's well intended, it's what my daughter would call cringe (because it's a little condescending and it's been overused). And yes, we could spend all day patting ourselves on the back for how amazing women are because we are! But let's get real: the women’s movement hasn't exactly had a lot to celebrate lately. And it's hard to believe in everyone's actions and intentions when there are more performative companies and people than sequins on an Elie Saab dress.
So it's time for action, not lip service. We don't need to hear anyone’s grand plans for women. As Nike preaches, JUST.DO.IT. Here are a few suggestions on how:
Put women on your boards. Hire women as CEOs. Get women funding. Support and promote women who are mothers. Pass laws that allow for parental leave. Make childcare easier and more affordable. Educate doctors on how to assist women (and not gaslight them). Update your med school curriculum to include more than 2 hours on menopause. Hire older women as TV anchors, models, comedians, actresses, and anyone who will influence other women. Stop ageism. Do more medical research on women. Don’t pit women against women for entertainment or any other reason. Pay women fairly. Donate to women-centric charities (I have a list below). And it goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that when I say WOMEN, of course I mean anyone who identifies as women, AND women of diverse races, ethnicity, religion, abilities and body types. With this many women on the planet to choose from, nobody has any excuses!
Also, let's encourage everyone to donate to these organizations:
Asian American Feminist Collective
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
That’s a good start, so please pass the word, I'm counting on you. Monopoly? I’m out. 👋
See you next week for more good stuff. Email me at for questions or comments, or post on our FB private chat. Thank you as always, and talk soon, xx
PHOTO CREDITS: The photo above is of a demonstrator during the Women's Strike for Equality March in August 1970. Photo by Bettye Lane from Harvard's Schlesinger Library. This was taken the year I was born, and here I am still fighting for the same stuff. 😤
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